Vista Mesa Assisted Living Residence

1206 North Mildred Rd
Cortez, CO 81321

Main number: +(970) 564-1888

Terri Schmitt, Executive Director (970-560-2812)
Raven Downs, Account Manager (970-560-3027
Delilah John, Resident Services Director (970-560-2126)

Let's Start a Conversation - How can we Help You?

3 + 15 =

Interested in a new career?

You could be a great fit to work in our Assisted Living community if you enjoy Serving Others and working among residents and staff who become like family. Through our Character First program, we believe in a positive culture built on character and competence to produce the type of consistency that makes a world-class organization. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. 

Learn more and begin your application process here.


Vista Mesa Assisted Living Residence

Come Visit us!



1206 North Mildred Rd
Cortez, CO 81321